Fire Department

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Our Mission

The Clarkston Fire Department is proud to serve Clarkston with a combined staff of 12 full-time Firefighter/Paramedics/EMTS, Community Paramedic, 8 reserve Firefighter/Paramedics/EMTs, 4 volunteer Firefighter/EMTs, a Fire Chief and support staff.

Clarkston is a Class 4 Fire Protection City. The Fire Department provides a focused range of fire and life safety services to the City, its residents and contract jurisdictions.

The Department's multiple missions are to:

  • Deliver the best possible service to our customers.
  • Save lives and property - life takes precedence over property.
  • Provide the highest quality medical care to the sick and injured at the Paramedic, Intermediate EMT or Basic EMT level.
  • Control and suppress fires residential, commercial, industrial, storage, vehicle and wildland.
  • Effect rescue and extrication on the water as well as on the ground.
  • Recognize and contain hazardous materials incidents and call for response from Washington State Patrol to mitigate the hazardous materials incident.
  • Prevent fire and reduce loss through occupancy inspections, plans review, code enforcement and fire and arson investigation.
  • Participate in events and develop and implement programs to educate the community in life safety, fire prevention and preparedness.
  • Respond to community-threatening natural disaster emergencies or emergencies caused by intentional or unintentional acts of man.
  • Budget, administer, supervise, evaluate and analyze organizationally.
  • Constantly improve and prepare all department members to respond effectively and efficiently to EMS, and fire incidents, fire prevention activities and public education efforts. Pursue the highest standards of excellence.

These goals are accomplished through a cost-effective, community-responsive fire and life safety service delivery system dedicated to quality customer service.


Clarkston Fire Department

820 5th Street

Clarkston, WA 99403

Contact Info