Reserve / Volunteer

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Reserve / Volunteer Firefighters

The Clarkston Fire Department is a combination department, utilizing full-time, reserve and volunteer firefighters.  Reserve and Volunteer Firefighters receive fire suppression and Emergency Vehicle Incident Prevention (EVIP) training before they are allowed to respond to fire emergencies.

Volunteer firefighters are important to answering Clarkston’s emergency service needs.  Working as a team, full-time, reserve and volunteer firefighters work together to control and suppress structure, vehicle and wildland fires.  Volunteer EMT/firefighters are integrated into EMS response preparedness plans and responses.

There is an expectation that Volunteer EMT/firefighters participate in 3 hours of monthly training to maintain the skills necessary for responding to fires and EMS calls and that they respond to at least 30% of the Department’s fire responses.

How to become a reserve or volunteer

Please request a city employment application form at the Clarkston Fire Department or see link to right on this page.  Return the completed application to the station at 820 5th Street, Clarkston. The application will stay on file until the next testing, at which time a letter containing test date information will be sent to you. You must update your address if you move.  You may also watch for notification in the help wanted ads of the local newspaper or on this website.

Applicants must complete a physical agility test.  Those who pass the physical agility testing will be given an interview and be required to submit to a medical examination (at the expense of the department).  Upon completion of these requirements, the Fire Chief will make the final selections from the eligible candidates.

If you are hired as a Volunteer and complete the fire training, we will assist you in getting into an EMT class. Minimum qualification for a Reserve position requires an EMT license.

Expectation is to respond to 30% of fire calls in Clarkston and to participate in 3 hours of monthly training at the station. All necessary equipment is provided.  Our volunteers are paid a stipend for responding to emergencies/training and reserves an hourly wage.

To apply