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Solid Waste Collection & Disposal

The City of Clarkston Sanitation Division is a team of dedicated employees who believe in providing excellent customer service and a clean, healthful environment. The division currently services 2,800 customers weekly, including solid waste, yard waste and recycling collection.

Clarkston has a ‘universal” sanitation service. Collection and disposal of solid waste is mandatory within city limits. Failure of persons to receive sanitation services does not exempt that person from payment of charges for the service.

The Sanitation Crew’s day begins at 6:30 a.m., so please have your cans out for collection before that time.

Residential Yard Waste Collection

The yardwaste program runs January thru December with once a week pick-up.  You may also self-haul your yardwaste to Clearwater Composting (208-413-6020), at no cost to you, just present your residential account number to the attendant.

  • Yardwaste collection occurs on the same day as garbage collection but at a different time and by a different sanitation crew.
  • Yardwaste containers should be placed out for collection by 6:00 a.m.
  • The yardwaste collector cannot return to pick up yardwaste not set out on time.
  • This program is designed for residential customers; the City does not provide yardwaste services to commercial customers.

The following are guidelines:

Reusable Containers:

  • Yard waste is to be placed in city provided containers (95-gallon plastic cart).
  • The maximum weight limit is 200 pounds per can. (Bundles of trimmings securely tied with string or twine (no plastic or wire ties) not exceeding 4’ in length and 1’ in diameter are accepted.)
  • Please do not put your name or address on the can.


  • Sod is not accepted as yardwaste compost. Sod predominately consists of dirt, which is detrimental to the compost process.
  • Sod may be disposed of at the solid waste transfer station or any of the approved private fill areas upon authorization from the property owner.


  • Tree/shrub roots or trees and shrubs with roots attached are not accepted at the compost facility.

No containers shall be kept or stored within the confines of any street or public alley in the residential district.  The containers shall be kept on private property without interfering with the reasonable enjoyment of such private property or adjoining property; providing the containers shall be placed in a readily accessible location to the street, near the curb or roadway, for collection only on the day that refuse is normally collected.

Unacceptable items will result in your yardwaste not being picked up.  Unacceptable items are cans, rocks, plastic, sod, wire, and cardboard.  Do not mix garbage with yard waste.

Fall Leaf Collection Begins November 1st

 The City of Clarkston asks for your cooperation so that the Leaf Collection Program will proceed smoothly.


  1. Place bagged leaves near the curb in front of your house or in the alley.
  2. DO NOT rake leaves into the street.
  3. All leaves MUST be bagged for collection or placed in the City provided yardwaste container.
  4. DO NOT mix garbage with leaves.
  5. The maximum weight limit for bagged leaves is 65 pounds.

The City crew will collect bagged leaves throughout the month of November.  During the months of December, January, February and March bagged leaf collection will be limited to the first full week of each month.

For 2022 & 2023, the full weeks are: December 5th, January 2nd , February 6th , and March 6th.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Recycling Program and Locations

Recycling bins are located at:
Presbyterian Church - parking lot 1122 Diagonal
Arnold Park - Maple & Burns
Fair Street - parking lot behind Dollar Tree store

Currently being accepted/separated in the recycling bins: Newspaper, Cardboard, Magazines, Aluminum and tin cans. NO GLASS OR PLASTICS ACCEPTED. Thank you for participating in the City of Clarkston’s recycling program.  Your help in following these guidelines will ensure the continued success of this program. QUESTIONS? Call 509-758-5541

Sanitation Rates

Sanitation service is billed monthly at the beginning of the month. Payments are due by the last business day of the month, and a $10.00 late fee will be assessed if balances are not paid by the 15th of the following month.

If a property will remain vacant for an extended period of time (at least 45 days), the property owner may apply for “vacancy” charges by completing and filing the necessary form with City Hall. Please notify the City when the property becomes re-occupied.

Residential bills are based on the size of the City-provided cart used. Basic service is one 34-gallon cart per week as well as yard waste, which is placed in a special 96-gallon container. Commercial bills are based on the size of the cart or dumpster used and how often owners have it emptied per week. Extra garbage results in additional charges.

Visit the links below to find up-to-date utility rates for the City of Clarkston.

Contact Info